Natalia Kuschnerova, Ukrainian writer and translator


Natalia Kuschnerova, Ukrainian, married, two sons, born on the 16th of February 1954 in Kiev;She has lived in Bavaria since 1991 and currently lives in Munich, Germany.

1971-1977 National Technical University of Ukraine «KPI», Kiev, Ukraine, an engineering degree in specialty «Information and measurement systems»

1977-1979 State Courses of Foreign Languages, Kiev, Ukraine, graduated translator

1977-1980 Engineer at the production association «Arsenal factory»

1980-1985 Senior engineer at the Institute of Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Since 1977 Freelance translator (English, Russian, Ukrainian, German) at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine; in Germany – at different translation companies, including 3 years as a senior translator of a project for EADS

01.05.2001 – 31.03.2011 Manager of the book import from Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic States at the company «Kubon und Sagner» , Munich

Since 01.04.2011 – at the company «EastEuroBooks, Münich, manager

Natalia Kuschnerova worked as a screenwriter of children television programs (Ukrainian Central Television, 1984-1989 рр.), she wrote a script for the  animated cartoon

«Schlauppe» (1988) and the educational film «Safety Technology» (1989) (Ukrainian film studio of popular science films).

Her science-fiction story «My friend Ledvedik» appeared in the magazine «Dnipro», № 10, 1983, with a foreword by Dmytro Zatonsky, was awarded with the third prize for the

best work of the year.

The story «Ambivalence of feelings» appeared in the almanac «Adventure, travel, science fiction-87», publishing house «Molod ».

In the magazine «Raduga» № 1, 1988, appeared the story «Gloria mundi», with the foreword by Vladimir Kiselev.

«My Friend Ledvedik» appeared as a book in the publishing house, «Veselka», 1994, illustrations by Anatoli Vasylenko.

2005  Edition «Zadruga» published her novel «The gorge for Aesop», which was presented in Lviv  at the «XIIth Publishers´ Forum»

2007  A new, added  issue of «My friend Ledvedik» with  illustrations by Irina Sumanenkova  appeared  at  the edition «Zadruga»; it was presented in Lviv  at the «XIVth Publishers´ Forum»

2009 «The Queen of Colours» by Jutta Bauer appeared in Ukrainian, translator Natalia Kuschnerova, edition «Zadruga»

2010 An Ukrainian translation of «Leonce and Lena»  by Beate Kirchhof  and  Katja Bandlow appeared at the edition «Zadruga», translator Natalia Kuschnerova

2010 «If you ever meet Aesop, or  The trap for Heffalump» and a new, corrected edition of «The gorge for Aesop » appeared at the edition «Zadruga».

2012 «Adventures with Ledvedik»  appeared  at the publishing house «Veselka», illustrations by Anatoly Vasylenko.The book contains the story «My friend Ledvedik» and its continuation «Holiday with Ledvedik»,

2016 at publishing hous EastEuroBooks, Munich, appeared her thriller «Clinic Wartenstein».

2017 – EastEuroBooks publishing house, Munich, published the translation of „Мій друг Ледведик“ into German and English – „Mein Freund Ledvedik“, „My Friend Ledvedik“.

In 2018 appeared in EastEuroBooks publishing house, Munich, „Die Schlucht für Äsop“ – translation of „Прірва для Езопа“ into German.

2019 – EastEuroBooks publishing house, Munich, published the translation of the book „Канікули з Ледведиком“ into German and English – „Ferien mit Ledvedik“, „Holidays with Ledvedik“

2023 – EastEuroBooks publishing house, Munich, published the third book about the adventures of Ledvedik „ Австралійські пригоди з Ледведиком“ and its translation into German and English  – „Australische Abenteuer mit Ledvedik“, „ Australian Adventures with Ledvedik“

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